Wednesday, April 24, 2013

reading 5 tips for success

5 tips for success
reading and writing go hand in hand the better you understand a text the more likely you are to successfully communicate your thoughts about it in writing so it’s important to develop strong skills in both areas with that’s in mind here’s how improve your reading comprehension

Tip 1: annotate
Be and active reader instead of passively reading a text takes notes about important story elements key information and significant ideas in the text

Tip 2: Note the Authors writing style
Every author writes with a purpose using deliberated method to successfully relate specific information to the audience when you’re reading look for patterns in the authors writing for example you may notice a repetition of key word phrase or symbols or the use of a distinct type of sentence structure authors employ these writing strategies to help readers to read every day

Choose the right!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Take Control of homework
So it doesn’t Control you
Part 1

Although very few student love homework it does serve purpose homework helps you
Reinforces what you’ve learned during the day
Build study habits that are essential in college
Prepare for your classes
Get a sense of progress
Here are some tips to help you deal with homework more efficiently
And effectively
Set a mood
Create a good study area with everything you need (for example calculator)if you don’t have a quiet at home try school or local library
Know where to begin
Make a list of everything you need to do and note all deadlines do the more difficult assignment first so you don’t have to face them at the end
Study at the same time every say
Even if you don’t have homework every night use the time to review notes if sitting down to work is a part of your normal routine you’ll approach it with less dread also you’ll become a pro at using time productively

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Balancing high school and part time work
Part 4
He reminds student the activities and courses student choose vary considerably so it’s important for young people to keep their individual situation clearly in mind McGowan continues for examples student actors should allow for the fact that they won’t have as much time during performance seasons student athletes need to remember the times

student succese statement

Choose the right don’t take drugs to make you better at something work out because even from 20 years now you can still get caught so do what you have to do now
Choose the right!!!