Tuesday, February 26, 2013

student success statement

What is always the right thing to do?

Student success statement
Choosing the right is always the right thing to do
Alex Linares
It is the thing to do because it the right thing to do
Like helping and old lady cross the street that right and hitting someone that wrong

Monday, February 25, 2013

10 time management tips for student 1-4

10 time management tips for students
http://www.colloeheborad .com /student/plan/college/116.html

Organizing your life
Managing your time well is an important element of success especially if you are a student if you set priorities that fit your needs and lifestyle you’ll have a better chance of achieving your goals here are some tips for taking control of your time and organizing your life
Tip 1. Make a to do list everyday
Put things that are most important at the top and do them forget reward yourself for your accomplishment
Tip 2. Use spare minutes wisely
When you’re commuting on the bus or train use the time to get some reading done
Tip 3. It okay to say no
If your friend asks you to go to a movie on a Thursday night and you have an exam the next morning realize that it’s okay to say no. keep your short and long term priorities in mind
Tip 4. Find the right time
You’ll work more efficiently if you figure out when you do your best work. For example if your brain handles math better in the afternoon don’t wait to do it until late at night

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

student success statement

Alone we can do so little together we can do so much
Helen Keller
So we can’t do a lot of stuff but when we put or mine together we can do so much more than like I get a c and you get a d we put or head together we can both get an a together

Monday, February 11, 2013

Habits of highly successful teens Habit 1

Habits of highly successful teens
Habit 1
Habit 1 be proactive
Being proactive is the key to unlocking the other habits help your teen take control and responsibility for her life proactive people understand that they are responsible for their own happiness or unhappiness they don’t blame others for their own actions or feeling proactive people realize that the ball is in their court that they are the captain of their own ship that they are in control control of their decisions thought choices decisions goals actions and priorities proactive people are self-starters they don’t wait to be told what to do they press forward with enthusiasm toward the achievement of their  duties their assignment their responsibilities their obligations choosing to do what right is a proactive decision obey the rules obey the law obey the coach obey the school policies the rules obey your parents obey with exactness and great things will come to you be proactive and take the initiative